How's Your Throat Feeling?


Cursingmama guessed it! I was testing the whole post from e-mail thing. I had forgotten that was an option and decided it may help increase my posting now that I’m all anonymous and all. So I had to test it out.

Just as I realized it worked things got away from me again a between a full activity schedule and a child down with strep. But a new week! A new chance to post!

And then I got a call from the school nurse. My mother was out of town (1st line of defense), husband was working on a big project (2nd line of defense), so I was called up to bat. I got to work at 8am and left at 9:30. Picked up the child, took him directly to the doctors and got back a negative on the rapid strep. Stopped to buy throat soothing foods and went home. Yay! All those extra hours just waiting to be filled. And they were. They were filled with calls and visits to and from the plumber, playing nursemaid to a sick 9 y/o, balancing the checkbook (left over chore from the weekend), cooking a delicious dinner and driving a couple kids to Hebrew.

May I ask why, the one day the dinner is in the crockpot and you have things basically under control – why is THAT the day you get to go home early? It is never the day you forgot your cell phone at home and have no idea what you’re making for dinner (today).

Lest you think I’m complaining, I shall say, the situation allowed me to call the plumber in a timely manner and he even stopped by less than 2 hours after I called. This resulted in TWO working toilets in our house vs. yesterday morning when I left and only one was working. BIG! HUGE! BONUS! Living with one toilet and six people is just not an option.

As for posting today, I keep having this dream of doing a “real” post. You know the kind. The ones that don’t just talk about the day but have a beginning, middle and end and some underlying theme to tie it all up pretty – yeah, I think I forgot how to do those. Or maybe, I never really knew how in the first place.

In other news, or rather to continue my slice of life posting, the doctor’s office just called. The culture came back positive. The child I sent to school this morning because he didn’t have a fever and the rapid test came back negative, that child DOES have strep. He gets out of school 20 minutes after the result came in. That doesn’t even make it worth it to leave work again and pick him up since he will be home before I am. I am one of those parents you all hate. My kid is currently the one spreading strep to one and all. Sorry.

The most fabulous part of all of this – aside from the fact that the doctor’s office won’t prescribe the remaining 4 of us antibiotics right now instead of one at a time as the rapid streps come back negative but then the next day the cultures come back positive (2 out of 2! Whoot!) in the coming weeks – is, wait, what? Did you forget what I was saying? That may have been the longest aside ever.

Where was I? Oh, the most fabulous part is that the currently ill child has IEP testing tomorrow. My husband and I both took a half day off because they want us to be there to find out what the hell is going on with him academically/learning-wise. And now he has strep. I have decreed he will have been on the medication long enough to go anyway. But, not really. I don’t want to have to reschedule it though because you need to coordinate approximately 50 people (or maybe 6) PLUS the parents to do the testing and it may be some time in May 2010 before that happens again. I say the show must go on. The fact he’s not 100% health wise will just make it more likely he’ll be having a “bad” day. The kind of day he needs to have during the testing. If he has a “good” day, they will not be able to assess his difficulties because he won’t be having any. So maybe this is a good thing. Who knows? Justification baby! It’s where it’s at.

Is that an itch in my throat?


Cursing Mama said...

hope the IEP is going well -